
We believe in giving our learners strong values along with a set of wings which may carry them far & wide. In other words our learners are fully equipped, skilled to face the coming new innovative, technology challenges of the rapidly changing techniques.

As, Pratyansh college of nursing is an amalgamation of competent teachers state of the art infrastructure and an experiences & efficient administrator. The college came into existence with the vision at creating a safe & supportive teaching, learning approach with interactive methods, group discussion quiz, case studies, debates, research projects presentation, observational, visits and participation in conferences and seminars are basic characteristics of our academic climate in college. We nurture our learners to become efficient professionals by providing excellent hands our training & clinical practice in best health cares setting of the state & country. We provide a learner centered education in where students are immersed in rigorous, relevant & creative clinical learning experience. We provide 100% placement at our campus, as our college.

Pratyansh college of nursing Indore can lead to excellence in education, practice, research & service.

I welcome all learners who desire to choose nursing as their career to the most incredible nursing institute of the country & bid you great learning ahead for a bright as wonderful future.

With Best Wishes