
Advance Nursing Skill Lab

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The lab helps use of skills taught by repeated practice on mannequins. The skill lab clearly defines the learning outcomes against each activity being demonstrated. This helps the nursing supervisor to assess the students who are weak in particular skills.

Community Lab

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Community Health Nursing (CHN) is the area of nursing in which students are prepared to meet the ever changing challenges of the health of the society and the nation.

Nutrition Lab

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Nutrition Lab is equipped & well furnished with utensils & nutritional charts. It is well ventilated, lighting & adequate water facilities. The students can assess the nutritional needs, caloric requirement of different age groups and during various disease conditions.


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We have a very well equipped Maternal and Child Health Lab.The lab has latest models, simulators, instruments, drugs, equipment for the management mothers during Antenatal, Intra Natal and Post Natal period.


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The nursing college possesses well-maintained latest audio-visual equipment like wall mount Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Projectors, Slide Projectors, Charts, Posters, and Models.

Anatomy Lab

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The anatomy lab of Holy Family College of Nursing has excellent infrastructure forming the basis of deeper understanding of Human Body.

Computer Lab

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Computer lab OF Holy Family College of Nursing is equipped with 30 computers with Internet facility. During the course of training, the students are given practical sessions to work on computers under the expert guidance of our Computer teachers.